Morzine mountainboard festival

  • Here's the link to the info. It's not yet translated to English, but we'll make sure you know about that:
  • Posté le: 2002-07-14 12:33
    - Riders, -

    Online subscriptions just openned on the official website:

    Everybody can subscribe, whatever you riding skills are.
    Entry fee is not yet decided, but it will be still possible to cancel your inscription, if the annonced price is to high for you.
    Subscribe as soon as possible as we can estimate the number of riders that will compete.
    If you have more questions, do not hesitate,

    thanks, and CU soon.

  • So, how'd it go?
  • Wow, i can't say another thing than : Great !

    It was incredible.

    A real good event for us. You'll soon see details in ATBmag...


    [ Ce Message a été édité par: pirestyle le 2002-08-26 12:44 ]